How To: A Mother's Day Flower Arrangement

How To: A Mother's Day Flower Arrangement

Growing up, flowers were a constant backdrop in my life. My mother, who passed away from cancer in 2019, was a professional florist, celebrated for her uniquely intricate arrangements that brought such a lively presence to any space. She was so talented– it felt as though I absorbed her creativity by just breathing the air she breathed. She had a personal touch and a distinct style, always incorporating baby’s breath and a symmetrical spray. With today’s floral trends front and center on social media, wild, organic, foraged arrangements are everywhere and I remember it was around this time she firmly rooted herself in her traditional arrangements and classic techniques. I always admired her unwavering confidence. Floral arranging, after all, is an art form with room for every expression– all shapes and forms welcome with no “one right way” to make your own arrangement.

Wild, organic, asymmetrical arrangements, for some reason, feels more approachable to someone like myself, although in practice is perhaps the most challenging to master! I’m a believer that if you have a good eye for balance and a knack for combining interesting colors and textures, you're well on your way to crafting beautiful floral centerpieces. 

My own journey in floral design has been a process of trial, error, and eventual discovery of my personal approach. Even the other day I was fighting with a big seeded branchy bit when finishing an arrangement for the storefront, but voila- it just worked! 

Follow these steps to create a simple and stunning floral arrangement for the perfect mother’s day gift that will bring a loving delight to your very own mom this year. 


~5” vessel (used small vintage french crock)

Wire flower arranger

Branchy greens with large textural leaves (we used Pittosporum!)

No-fail eucalyptus bush

3 flower varieties (large, medium, small) we used a mix of ranunculus, lisianthus, and branches from a white flowering tree

Steps for a simple, wild arrangement:

I like to start big to small, adding the statement flowers as the final touch.

  1. 1. Fill your vessel with water
  2. 2. Bend or form the floral wire arranger around the mouth of the vessel
  3. 3. Take 2-3 branches of your large textural green to create your desired shape. I like to begin with a relaxed V shape. Trim to height and begin placing within the wire. Add a few more branches if needed
  4. 4. Add in the eucalyptus bush, building more width and height within the arrangement
  5. 5. Add in clusters of your medium-sized flower varietal
  6. 6. Add flowering branches for more height and personality
  7. 7. If your arrangement is 360-degrees (which means you see it from all sides), rotate to fill any visual gaps
  8. 8. Strategically place the statement florals throughout the arrangement. I love adding a playfully crooked neck of ranunculus for an unexpected flair